yoel acosta

Your name
Yoel Acosta
Place of birth
Carabobo, Venezuela
Place where you live now
Lima, Perú
3 words to describe you
Reflection, nostalgia, dreamlike
Why do you take pictures?
I have always had a marked interest in death and topics related to it such as absence, memory and nature. All this made sense when I discovered photography, because in it I seek to express the ephemeral and mysterious beauty that explores the emotional depth of reality, entering a state of connection with the "other" that raises subtle reflections on what we consider the end.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Contemplating the nature of my reality. That "everyday life" that is common for many is what pushes me like a drift and makes me collide with many binary realities. I wander between words, looks, experiences both mine and others. Linking all this feeling introspectively to always look for the background and connections between the tangible and intangible.
Who are your influences?
I am influenced by observation, starting from the nature of things, the philosophical thought, reality and how we perceive it or how we try to argue it. As well as in the collective visual imagination that comes from multiple intriguing stories that add layers of meaning and depth to our visual understanding.
What determines the subject matter you choose?
The environment I live in has led me to explore internal and complex emotions about absence. That is why I go to the investigation of our ephemeral reality and that is why for me it is of utmost importance to maintain a conscious state about what I address. These connected interests raise a horizon full of questions that motivate me to continue addressing these issues in depth.
What impact would you like your art to have?
To provoke a space for internal dialogue with the "other". Propose a deep emotional reflection from multiple perspectives to bring each viewer to a state of contemplation. I look for a lasting emotional resonance that starts from the approach of the ephemeral such as life, but that is undoubtedly an absolute truth that connects us all.
What artwork do you never get bored with?
I never get bored of images that seek to present their concept beyond the obvious. That the author can apply his way of thinking and find a way to connect his ideas with others. The images that can be a point of dialogue to not get answers per se, but rather questions that nourish our reality and that address it not only from the superficial but also from the deepest, from what many of us ignore or cannot see.
Is there anything you want to add?
Death is not the end but the beginning of a new end. For those of us who think about the ending, it is perhaps a bitter fog...

Project statement

Taxonomia contemplates the complexity of life and death, exploring how these concepts manifest in both the physical and metaphysical aspects of our reality. From tiny organisms to humans, all living beings highlight the inevitability of death. Through symbolic imagery, I seek to delve into the connection between these concepts and their deep roots in our culture and psyche. The images serve as reminders of life's fragility, emphasizing the inevitable nature of death. In addition to that, they prompt reflection on the profound meaning of these concepts in our everyday existence.

yoel acosta

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